
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2024

Marine Mikrobiologie, M.Sc.

General information

Lab Safety and Fire Prevention Workshop (in English)

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-msc-lab-safetyLab Safety and Fire Prevention Workshop (in English) (in englischer Sprache)


Fr 12.04.24 12:00 - 15:00

+ exercises

Participation in lecture and fire drill are obligatory ONLY for those
who start with their master studies in summer term 2024!
Without proof of attendance you will not be allowed to work in the labs!

Friday 12 April 2024
noon - 2 pm lecture, large lecture hall in the Keksdose building HS2010
2 pm - 3 pm practical fire drill, place outside behind the SFG-Building, Emmy-Noether-Straße

Admission from 12 p.m., start at 12:15 p.m. The academic quarter does not apply to this event. Please arrive on time. Afterwards there will be a practical fire extinguishing exercise in the outside area behind the SFG-Building, place outside in the Emmy-Noether-Straße. The participants are asked to pay attention to weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes, because the fire drill takes place outside.

Please check Stud.IP shortly before the event for the latest news.

Mihaela Gianina Torozan

Module 7: Labrotation 1

Module coordinator: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann
9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-MarMic-7-LabLab Rotation I (in englischer Sprache)


KW 12 - 19
18.03.2024 - 10.05.2024
Monday to Friday
10 am to 5 pm
In the lab's of the MPI, AWI, Constructors University, MARUM, Faculty 2, Faculty 5

N. N.

Module 8: Labrotation 2

Module coordinator: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann
9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-MarMic-8-LabLab Rotation II (in englischer Sprache)


KW 20 - 25
13.05.2024 - 21.06.2024
Monday to Friday
10 am to 5 pm
In the lab's of the MPI, AWI, Constructors University, MARUM, Faculty 2, Faculty 5

N. N.

Module 9: Labrotation 3

Module coordinator: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann
9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-MarMic-9-LabLab Rotation III (in englischer Sprache)


KW 26 - 30
24.06.204 - 26.07.2024
Monday to Friday
10 am to 5 pm
In the lab's of the MPI, AWI, Constructors University, MARUM, Faculty 2, Faculty 5

N. N.

MarMic5 Marine Microbes in their Environment

Module coordinator: Dr. Tim Richter-Heitmann
9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-MarMic-5-MMEMarine Microbes in their Environment (in englischer Sprache)


+ exercises
KW 12 - 21
18.03.2024 - 24.05.2024
lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 am - 10 am, MPI 4021
exercises: Wednesday and Friday 8.30 am - 10 am, MPI 4021

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
Dr. Tim Ferdelman
Dr. Wiebke Mohr
Dr. Gaute Lavik
Hannah Marchant
Laetitia Wilkins
Dr. Greta Reintjes
Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Völker

MarMic6 Frontiers in Marine Microbiology

Module coordinator: Dr. Tim Richter-Heitmann
9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-MarMic-6-FMMFrontiers in Marine Microbiology (in englischer Sprache)


+ exercises
KW 22 - 29
27.05.2024 - 19.07.2024
lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 am - 10 am, MPI 4021
exercises: Wednesday and Friday 8.30 am - 10 am, MPI 4021

Prof. Dr. Michal Kucera
Dr. Marlis Reich
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Jens Harder
Eileen Kröber
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Altendorf